Friday, April 27, 2012


Okay, so I have a Super Secret Project that I need to have finished in about four weeks.  It's definitely possible but it means that I can't muck about.  So this past weekend I cut out all my fabric pieces on Saturday then sat down to sew on Sunday.  So excited!!!

Only, my pieces weren't cooperating.  At all.  I stretched and fiddled and cursed.  Then I sat back and and cursed some more.  I had cut every single piece at least an inch too small.  And I didn't have enough fabric to simply re-cut the pieces.  Darn.  Double Darn.

I took  a deep breath, remeasured my pieces and ordered more fabric.  Luckily it arrived yesterday and I almost frantically ripped open the package, laid out the fabric and *&%$@.  I didn't order enough.  Argh!  Triple argh!!!  Luckily, the pieces from my first mistake, fit together with the pieces from my second mistake, well enough to make the project the way I envision it.  Crisis averted.  Now barring any future errors, in or out of my control, I should be on my way.

Here's a tiny sneak peak at what I'm working on. 

Super Secret

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