Monday, January 14, 2013


It's amazing how a small change in your routine can lead to big changes in your life.  Ever since we returned from our Christmas break I've been changing my routines.  Mostly, because we're in the process of listing our house for sale, I've been uber focused on keeping the house clean.  That means that I've been putting away all of my sewing things when I'm done, even if I know that I'll be dragging them out again later the same day.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be.  I timed myself, it takes about 4 minutes if I don't rush.  Crazy right?  The thing is, I've been feeling so productive during this time.  I feel like I've had more sewing time (I've been sewing every day!!) and my house is still clean.  Not just picked up, but actually clean.  I even cleaned the light fixtures the other day. 

So it turns out that the time is there, it's just how I use it that's different.  Cleaning up a mess immediately as I go, instead of waiting to do a chore "all at once", has been the key for me.  Doing breakfast dishes right after breakfast, then lunch dishes immediately after lunch, that kind of thing.  I've also been doing a little work out routine right before I take my shower, every day.  It's amazing.  I'm amazed that I've finally found  a system and that it's working.  I think that this year may just shape up to be a great one.  

Here's what I was working on today. . .

 Spiderweb Quilt

My October blocks from the amazing ladies of the Cheer circle over at do. Good Stitches.  I can't wait to show you how I plan to quilt it.  Assuming of course that it works out the way I planned it in my head. . .

Wish me luck,

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